
Jeff Ornell
Director of Equity Strategy

Direct: 763-234-5172

About Jeff:
Jeff Ornell serves as the director of equity strategy for Dominion DealActivator. Jeff has been with Dominion for 6 years and in automotive for almost 20 years. He regularly interacts with OEM, Tier 2 and Tier 3 partners to help them integrate with Dominion’s products and services. He has served as the F&I director for a variety of dealerships including North Star Ford, White Bear Dodge and Elk River Ford & CDJ. During his time in retail, Jeff ensured that per-vehicle profitability consistently exceeded $1,500 with his team of F&I managers. Jeff has spoken at Digital Dealer and many other 20 group meetings throughout the country.

Subject matters:
Lifecycle Management

Previous Speaking Engagements:
Digital Dealer

Who is Jeff?

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More Videos of Jeff

Making Room for the New Year's Inventory
We’ve been selling out of the service drive and need more opportunities. Any recommendations?
How does the priority page determine when a customer needs to be contacted?
- Is it creepy to tell my customer that I know they were shopping on my website?
We would like to start selling out of the service drive. Do you have an easy process we can follow?
We have no one to work the service drive but are getting leaned on heavily by our OEM.
How do you approach a customer in negative equity in service?
How does the system match a customer with a vehicle? | Dominion DealActivator
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Making Room for the New Year's Inventory
We’ve been selling out of the service drive and need more opportunities.  Any recommendations?
How does the priority page determine when a customer needs to be contacted?
- Is it creepy to tell my customer that I know they were shopping on my website?
We would like to start selling out of the service drive.  Do you have an easy process we can follow?
We have no one to work the service drive but are getting leaned on heavily by our OEM.
How do you approach a customer in negative equity in service?
How does the system match a customer with a vehicle? | Dominion DealActivator
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